Only in death does duty end.

Only in death does duty end.
Only in death does duty end

Friday, June 24, 2011

The beginning of the end. Part 3

2001 a space odyssey

I'm not wowing the movie (though it was wowing were just not at that point yet) I'm wowing at the script a whole 10 pages were most of the words go to the computer: Hal and the rest is monkey sound's. most of the fell of teh movie is gottin from the music which really loud and carzy and awsome. The in it's whole is amazeingfrom beginning to end. except for one thing........WHAT IS WITH ALL THE WHITE EVERYTHING.

Like really is this movie trying to say someting.
anyways I have a sepcial friend from the movie the one and olny HAL.

C: so hal how did you like the movie?
H: It was good.
C: what was your favorite part of the movie
H:Trying to kill everyone.
C:......ok then uuummmmm why?
H:Why not.
C:.........What is your favroite past time?
H: Trying to kill people
C:................sssooooooo what do you do when your not trying to kill peolpe?
H:Trying to kill peolpe........Like you
C: Wait what no stop that thats the air release no don't do it don't turn off life support. SOMEOME HELP
H: no can hear you.
H:..........what are you doing?
C: Putting a stop to this i'm unpluging you.
H: You can't do that>
C: I just did.
C: Thank god thats over with untill next time. now to play some Xbox.

H:I am back
H:no one can hear you.

The beginning of the end. Part 2

This piece of trash was made by Christopher Nolan know for the the mind **ck up movie like this one, inception, and the new batman movies but i mean just look at the poster of this thing.

just looking at the poster your wondering what the *uck is up with this well I'II tell YOU DON"T FIND OUT TILL THE END OF THE MOVIE.

 Even then your still left with unanswerd qusetion that you had from the start of the movie. The movie keeps swiching back and forther between the past and the present as it rewinds it self then stops and fastforwards it. you try watching a movie like that. the acting is vary raw, rusty, bleh, it's like you just told what to say befor each shot. know their is one thing i will have to give this movie is it's twist are out of here. you don't see them coming.

well thats it from me and if you do have some spair time on your hands with nothing else to do watch this movie there are worst thing you could be doing. (Like being eaten by HIM because of what i said in the last review)

Till next time

The beginning of the end. Part 1

back to the future
Back to the future was a great movie (aside with all that product placement every 30 sec). Other then that is was one of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen and I only just saw it for the frist time this a month so yeah. The acting was alright compared with today but I bet back then it was some of the best ever seen because thats what I saw in this movie. It all starts out like every sci-fi movie..........with the main charater and his best bud which in this case is doc yup thats right doc, I guess they counldn't think up a better name then doc. anyways this "doc" has come up with an amazeing thing-thing. A time Machine.

wow never seen that befor (plant of the apes, doctor who, at some point in star wars, star trek, etc.........) This is the story of all the fun times they have together. This one is were they start off. The movie got the whole time period thing right which is harder in some movies then others I guess. The main charater get's trapped in the 70's with no fuel for the time thing-thing in the machine so he gets help from a younger doc(hes not really younger just a lot of make-up) I think this part of the trilogy was more about the doc and our main charater building on their friend ship but all in all a great movie and of you have the chace to watch it do it (or else i'll send HIM........)

Till next time